Friday, July 23, 2010

Summer Ennui, Day 5

Ugh. How much longer can summer last, I ask?

So tired of this summer ennui business, this morning I ventured out on an early-morning bike ride. Omigoodness, I cannot describe how GREAT it felt to pour the last portion of my water bottle over my helmet and sleeves, the last 1/4 mile of my ride. So nice.

My Dad is upwards of 80 years old. Old enough to know better. But he did venture out in the mid-day sun, both today and yesterday, to run. "I only ran 2 miles today", he says. Come on, Dad: You are neither Mad Dog nor Englishman. (Thank goodness, though, you are not still running in the dark of the night like you have been the past 40+ years...)

My Mom has it right: just stay inside and be happy. Yes! I get her drift. I am going my Mom's route, and certainly not my Dad's.

On another note, the College Boy had his wisdom teeth out this morning. (After my bike ride). He seems to be doing fine. The oral surgeon people were amazed that his pulse was 42. That was pretty funny. Now, I have him hopped up on some prescription narcotic they prescribed us at the oral surgeon's. Last I checked, the College Boy was on the computer, in boxer shorts and a cowboy hat. (Note: we Armstrongs rarely take more than a cup of tea or an aspirin for painkillers; the College Boy should be riding high for another day or so...)

And there you have it, Summer Ennui in the Flint Hills.

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