Sunday, September 12, 2010


We took a bike ride this morning. It was nice, sunshiny, little wind. Tons of pollen in the air. I abbreviated my part of the ride, and headed towards home to rinse my itchy eyes and to find more tissues with which to blow. (I don't do that nasty cyclist's thing about nose blowing with no tissue.)

On my way home, four miles to go, the wind switched and gained, so to keep my cadence I began singing. I often do this. Today's selection, Sunday and all, was He Leadeth Me. I sang it through a couple, maybe three times. I wonder what people think if they ever hear me? I don't sing softly. One time several years ago, I was having a hard go of it, and Jacob's Ladder seemed appropriate. Well, the way I was singing it was slow and dirge-like, just like my pedaling. I kept singing it, on and on and on, and the ride kept going, on and on. All of a sudden, about the time I was belting out ..."Every...round goes...HIGHER... HIGHER, SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS...", this man popped up beside me on his bike. It scared the absolute living daylights out of me. I nearly fell off my bike. He said, "Hi! Didn't mean to startle you! Have a good ride!" and off he went. Since then, I cast a glance over my shoulder periodically when I am singing.

Later today I was in my car and I turned the radio on to some church station. The preacher sounded just like Jack Nicholson. And of course THAT held my attention. Every pastor should have an interesting voice like his. And in fact, this fellow had a pretty good message about Psalm 23.

And so, this was the beginning to my week.

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