Thursday, September 09, 2010

12 Weeks:

My dear friend Cate has unwittingly goaded me into increased productivity with her 2010 New Year's Resolution. Her plan this year is to see some major, unfinished-for- years task to completion each month. That's twelve tasks. And her projects are not "tidy my sock drawer" and "replace that burned-out light bulb on the side porch". Hers are BIG OL' projects: putting a gate up in her drive, spinning the wool she shears OFF her own sheep (and then knitting the yarn into scarves...), building a post & rail fence for her sheep & horses... She's knocked off 8 of these gems so far.

So, I'm thinking of jumping on the bandwagon. I know, I know...a little late in the game. But I figure, if I start in October, if I condense the plan a bit, if I complete one unfinished project each week, by December 31 I will have knocked off a fair amount of time and attention. To what, exactly, I don't know just yet. I have twenty days in which to mull this, my Autumnal Resolution, over.

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

CHD said...

Go Girl!! It really is fun, and I feel much better. Unfortunately, 12 months, 12 projects won't be enough to get me done with the ancient "todo"s. Might have to do year #2....

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