Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve, 2010

OK, maybe not.

I've had a pretty good year. How about you?

"I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the year's."
Henry Moore

Henry Moore is one of my favorite sculptors.
Not above my all-time favorite, but a favorite, nonetheless.

In that we are not too big on the "stay-up-all-night-and-bang-pots-and-pans-at-New Year's-Midnight" party circuit, I will return to the kitchen now and finish the chicken soup for dinner (not just any chicken soup...I think this one is going to include black beans and rice and corn and cumin and onions and garlic and rice. And red pepper.)

And while I cook, I will mull the coming year. I'll throw some "more" ideas into my mental mull...more cycling, more running, more Shakespeare, more painting and quilting and reading and writing.

And that's what's going on here, tonight.

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