Monday, November 08, 2010

My Nemesis? But I Thought...

It's an update on my cello lessons!

At last week's lesson I was assigned a number of Christmas songs, and I though to myself, "Ha! What an easy week!" And I also asked myself, "Why start Christmas songs before Advent? Before Thanksgiving, even? Pish posh!"

But here I am, humbled yet again by that which I cannot achieve. My gosh. I was emailing the College Boy this afternoon, and I related to him that a particular Russian song I was assigned this week simply brought tears to my eyes. Not so much that it was moving, but simply...because I sound so awful.

How can this be? I love cello music. I aspire to become a pretty good cellist. How is it, then, that I am beginning to feel like divine retribution has been sentenced upon me, with this, my instrument of choice?

I tell you what...this middle age business has some questionable facets involved in it...


xpda said...

You should play on something with a keyboard. Piano, computer, etc.

Gillian said...

All the more reason for me to start bagpipes SOON!

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