Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Long is the road from conception to completion. ~ Moliere

Boy, isn't that the truth?

Completion Week # 7 probably actually started four years ago. Our old bathroom was just that: Old. Simple. Basic. It still is, but now we have replaced the missing baseboards and tub trim. There's not much to say about it, except that it is completed the day before Thanksgiving holidays began, and looks pretty darn good. No need for a photograph...who wants to look at bathroom baseboard?!

Completion Week # 8: Yippee! This was a Thanksgiving family and friends affair: New gates in the pasture, fencing and t-posts repaired and replaced. Lots and lots of cedars trimmed and felled. In that we are surrounded by farmers and ranchers, I sometimes wonder what they must think about our not-exactly "farm and ranch" care of our little pasture. But it's done. Yippee! (Thanks for the help, you all.)

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