Monday, May 10, 2010

New York Landlords

This article was in the Village Voice a few weeks ago:


Most of us have experienced landlords. I have had good ones, some not-so-good ones, (My Long Island landlord had the gall to call me on several occasions to tell me to close my windows; I kept them open because the family downstairs kept THEIR heat up so high I lived in a sauna.), and a smattering few that I considered awful and lacking of conscience. But I never had one so bad as any described in this VV article.

The renters complain about the landlords, the landlords complain about the renters.

"No heat, sagging floors, leaking roofs, leaking gas pipes, crack addicts in the stairwells..."
"Rent control, no rent payments..."

Somewhere after the first couple of pages of the 7-page article (Part One), I started counting my lucky stars that I live in a pretty decent home. There is a tradeoff, living in rural Kansas compared to living in a major metropolis, (which I did for a few years - THE titled metropolis, NYC). How bad does it have to get before these renters opt out of city living? Do they realize there is life west of the Statue of Liberty? How bad does it have to get before a landlord's conscience kicks in regarding no heat? No water? What?? How bad does it have to get before the City fathers begin enforcing whatever it takes to make things right?

My goodness.

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