Saturday, December 01, 2012


I am just coming away from the glow of Thanksgiving, and loving every minute of it.  I loved visiting the Virginia Newlyweds  just the week before Thanksgiving, and loved having our Thanksgiving at home, as well.  The only change I would have made would be to have that College Boy Graham, a physical part of it.  As it was, he roasted a turkey and sent us a photograph.  Love that boy.

I am just getting into December, and haven't quite gotten into the Christmas holiday biz, just yet.  Yesterday I went to the library.  There were stacks of happy-holiday-Christmas-cheer-decorate-NOW_NOW_NOW books to be checked out.  Well, I opted for this title instead:

The Graves Are Walking: The Great Famine and the Saga of the Irish People, by John Kelly.

Sounds bleak, eh?  About as bleak as the topic of conversation the College Boy Graham, and I had online yesterday: North Korea.  Now I promise that I do not wallow in sorrow and pain.  I am just intrigued, intrigued.  Inquiring minds want to know...

That Spouse o' Mine announced yesterday that he is making my Christmas present.  Now THAT is intriguing in a ho-ho-ho kind of mystery!  He has made two trips to the lumber yard.  He has spent hours out in the bike barn.  I have stayed away, for the most part.  I did make a couple of guesses:

"Is it a jewelry box?"        
"No.  You have enough jewelry boxes."  (He doesn't get it: I only want ONE jewelry box.  One large jewelry box.)
"Is it s cold frame?"
"A what?"
"A cold frame?"
"Is it a COLD FRAME?"
"A WHAT?!"
"What's a cold frame?"
"Nevermind.  If you don't know what a cold frame is, then that's not what it is."

And so I have stopped walking on that side of the yard, so that my Christmas present will be a surprise.  There's a good part to this: He has to feed the dogs and put the ducks in and out, since I can't go to that side of the yard.  An Advent vacation of sorts.

This afternoon I went to Hobby Lobby to get a Christmas ornament frame.  My, my goodness!  Apparently I am SO FAR BEHIND in the holly, jolly Christmas parade.   Really?  December 1st?  I am still reveling in turkey and Virginia.

We are slow in the start-up, but once we get rolling, we celebrate through to Twelfth Night: January 6th.

So there.

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