Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, Monday

Well, this is exciting!

Eaglets: Empty Nest

So these eaglets were hatches approximately 2.5 months ago. Three eggs, three eaglets. Now an empty nest. At least in the day. How fun!

Other Monday news...

I awoke at 5:00 am (without aid of an alarm), and mentally planned my morning: run to the cemetery (2.5 miles), carry a shovel out to the pasture and dig up wildflowers (see: Garden Tour), frolic with the Bloodhound (Biserka, the Bouvier, is an easy keeper, and wants no more to do in this heat than I do, so she is grateful for a headpat and a kind word. Beau, on the other hand, has needs to expend ~ 3000 calories of energy before breakfast. More on him later.), attend to orchard growers' needs around the world, and make goat cheese. Sounded simple in my 5:00 am head. Get it all done BEFORE THE HEAT SETS IN.

I made my coffee and after a quick cup, headed out for my run. And it wasn't going to be a walk/run or a run/walk, it was going to be A RUN. Now...I noticed, as I was making coffee, the treetops bending towards the earth. It didn't register until I got out onto the road, away from windbreaks, that this wind meant serious business. 24 mph winds? At the crack of dawn?? Omigoodness, I couldn't even run or walk in a straight line. Worthless. I went half the distance of my goal, and returned home.

I frolicked with Beau the Bloodhound. I think he was anticipating my one word: "PASTURE!!!!" after which he, Biserka, and the cat Euripides gleefully line up at the pasture gate to stampede out to acres of freedom. But after yesterday's little fiasco, when Beau caught the scent of perhaps the last living dodo bird on this earth and bounded (3' high bounds, I kid you not - like a 120-lb bunny rabbit) into the next county, after which Biserka cast a fleeting glance at me, and bounded after him (maybe 2.5' bounds), in pack mentality, and I can see that this is going to be a run-on sentence, I am so sorry, Mrs. Mitchell, and perhaps a half hour later both dogs reappeared from the poison ivy and tick-infested woods and creek bed, where Beau was NOT sporting his AKC Bloodhound harness and 10 meter equine longe line...

Where was I going with this?

Oh. Beau and I frolicked in his yard this morning.

I collected wildflowers. If they are to survive the transplant will be seen next June. Stay tuned...

I attended to some cherry queries and quandaries, and then...

I started my goat cheese!

And there you have it: Monday, Monday.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

How's the goat cheese??

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