Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Photos:

Black and Yellow Argiope

Argiope aurantia

People wonder why I don't kill spiders.
Spiders eat things I DON'T like.
(Same as snakes.)
In the night, these spiders eat their old webs and spin new ones. One morning I walked outside and tripped up into a spider web - head-height. I flailed for a brief moment, maybe said a bad word that early in the morning, and went on with whatever I was doing. (Because now, 20/20 hindsight, I cannot recall anything leading up to the moment when I felt something on my forehead.) I swept my hand across my face, and felt something large and plastic-y.

It was a Black and Yellow Argiope. On my face.


1 comment:

Melissa G said...

YIKES! I think I would come completely unglued if a spider was on my face. Incidentally, I found a rather large snake in the hen house the other day. Dale was nearby in the garden, so he donned gloves and relocated Mr Snake to the corn field. We don't mind a visit from a snake (as they eat mice) but he wasn't welcome to make the hen house his new abode.

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