Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where's the Medium?


Gillian said...

Ugh. They look TERRIBLE! Why can't we just have healthy, and even happy, smiling models??

twebsterarmstrong said...

I think it is scary. What parent: Mom, Dad, sibling, would allow some modeling agency to allow/adhere to these incomprehensible, unhealthy lifestyles?

Case in point: "Sophie, who died in her 40s from anorexia-related illness. I had become friends with Sophie — who in the end weighed 3st — while working with her on a documentary. I remember sitting talking to her, in her South London terrace house, and gasping when two of her teeth clattered to the floor."

CHD said...

I do remember this life, barely. I was always too big for all but the small-time runways. I had a few jobs where I was hired, but told to lose "X" pounds before the shoot. Amazingly, I always did it, all the while thinking they were the nutso ones, and after the job go right back to my healthy weight. I 'm sure I just didn't get hired for some things because I was 5'7" and 125 lbs...too fat. Ugh.

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