Sunday, October 10, 2010

Autumnal Completion: Week 1

Pasture maintenance calls for mowing every-so-often, to keep weeds at bay and to promote healthier grass roots systems. Our pasture is small by local standards, but big enough when one owns no farm implements.

Our general mowing practice is to mow in bits and pieces, rarely ever mowing more than a quadrant at a time - much less the WHOLE DARN THING. But, that's what I did today: completed the whole mowing of the pasture. I had mowed a bit many weeks ago, before ragweed and more heat set in, and then the Grad Student put in her time on the mower a few weeks after me. The morning stars must have been aligned properly when I arose at 6:00 a.m. today, because I went out after a quick cup of coffee, fed all the animals, watered the winter garden, and hopped on the mower.

I mowed and mowed and mowed and mowed:

After I finished, I came in and took 1/2 a benadryl and two aspirin for my sneezing-induced headache. And soon thereafter, took the second 1/2 of a benadryl.

This rendered me comatose for the remainder of the afternoon.

But it is completed. And none-too-soon:

Here come the clouds. Rain: hurray!

"...tomorrow to fresh woods, and pastures new..." ~ John Milton

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Looks good! You should have done a before picture too.

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