Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gray's Hollow

This is The Cliff.

It's in the cove called Gray's Hollow, on Grand Lake in Oklahoma. The Cliff is across the cove from the boathouse my family had in my childhood. I am not sure how old I was when we got the boathouse, but we (Mom, Dad, and 5 kids) spent many, many weekends there. Grand Lake back in the 60's was not populated, developed, or crowded. So quiet was our cove that Dad would swim across with us kids, to The Cliff. The Cliff is pretty high - maybe 3 stories? We kids and Dad would swim over, climb up the rocks, and jump off!

I marvel at my parents (mostly my Mom, because I am such a worrier Mom compared to her), that they thought nothing of letting their kids A) Swim across a 40' deep cove, {I was....maybe 7?} B) Jump off a cliff??! I am not sure I could watch our three kids do such a thing!

Our childhood was so rich in experiences like these! Thank you to Mom & Dad. You wonder, why all we kids are like we are? It's a mix of Nature vs Nurture. And we appreciate it.

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