Monday, June 01, 2009

Garbage In, Garbage Out...

The past week or so, I have watched an obnoxious TV commercial regarding trash bags and odor. The premise of the ad, from a major (hefty) trash bag corporation, is that the bags start smelling when they are only partly full. So, the ad tells us, we should buy the new odor-free trash bags which kills the odor of whatever so that we don't have to throw the trash out till the jumbo bag is full.

Hmm. I learned WAYyyy long ago that "smells" emanate from bacteria. Bacteria is a bad thing. Bad things should be prevented AND iradicated before they get a grasp on an environment. In this case, the kitchen. And the bathroom. What's the solution according to any archaic Home Ec class from days of yore? Smaller trash cans wherever. Frequent disposals. It is such a ding-dong given.

Will Rogers, one of my heroes, said, "Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need."

Can we all just listen to common healthy sense and ignore the other?

Thank you. I have vented.

1 comment:

xpda said...

Surfuric acid kills germs. Use it in your trash can.

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