Monday, December 07, 2009

Winter Wonderland!

Well, the winter storm warnings are here.  The weathermen, I hear, are whipping up a frenzy of forecasts and panic-inciting warnings.  I don't listen to weathermen because they can act like such idiots.  I can't change the temperatures or snowfall any more than the people in Newfoundland and Sault St. Marie can, but those people seem to have it down and live quite nicely with nature.  My coffee date and my cello lesson are both canceled tomorrow.  I hope it snows a big one, because if I am not out having coffee and music, then I should at least be out XC skiing with the pup Biserka.

Yesterday on our drive to church, that Spouse o' Mine was going on ad infinitum (or so it felt, not having had enough caffeine in my system at that point), about chestnuts.  And chestnut trees.  Blah-de-blah-blah.  Or so it felt...

This afternoon while I was getting the goods to host Book Club this week, I chanced upon some chestnuts at the local grocer!  What coincidental timing!  (I know, I know...'tis the season.  I know...)  I took the big scoop and scooped a whole big bagfull.  I felt pretty smug, getting that Spouse o' Mine chestnuts only one day after his horticulturally-academic lecture about the things. 

What's wrong with this picture???

I KNOW what chestnuts look like.  What in the world made me think that the Brazil nuts I so lovingly placed in that Spouse's hands were CHESTNUTS?!

If I am like this at 49, what in the world will my life be like at 78?  I will be bringing home cats instead of catfood.  I will be flying the American flag at Passover.  I will be using the push lawnmower as a snowblower.

It's not looking too rosie.  

1 comment:

xpda said...

A lawn mower works very good as not only a snow blower, but a leaf blower as well.

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