Thursday, January 07, 2010

Long Ago

I remember driving with my then-boyfriend/now husband, the 1500 miles to my new home in Connecticut.  I knew nothing, no one.  My then-boyfriend/now husband and I found an apartment for me, and then I drove him to New York and he flew off to the west coast.  This puts the story smack-dab in the middle of our romance.  But I am not thinking about that right now.  I am thinking about my move to Connecticut, not knowing a soul and not ever having been there.  Lots of the 28-year memories are foggy, but I remember a few things.  I was upset, having moved into the apartment, to discover there was no air conditioning.  And then nearly in a panic when I couldn't find any heating, either!  I remember calling home to my parents in a dismal mood.  Well, I soon found out: in Connecticut, the autumnal temps are such that one doesn't require an air conditioner, as in Oklahoma.  And the heater?  In-floor heating coils.  They were economical way before the Go Green era came about.

I remember being invited to spend Thanksgiving with a wonderful family in Rhode Island.  3 generations, the grandmother of whom was from Portugal.  They were amazed when I told them we Okies thought nothing of driving 3 hours to visit family.  Three hours in New England could take you through 3 states, and why would anyone want to drive three hours anyway, the grandmother asked.  She also told me stories of when she was young, how the different Catholic churches were designated by nationality/ethnic groups.  When she, as Portugese, went to Mass at a church nearer her home than her family church, the priest told her to go to her "own" church.

The move to Connecticut was followed by a move to California, to be nearer my then-boyfriend/now husband.  The same exercise in excitement, frustration, making new friends, making a household of sorts (from Mid-America to the East Coast to the West Coast...).  It wasn't any easier than my move to Connecticut - in fact, I found it more difficult.  It seemed harder to make friends, MUCH harder to find a job.  The only real plus was that I had an apartment close to Morro Bay (the beach).

No sooner had I moved out there then my then-boyfriend/now husband took a job in...Cairo.  Egypt.  And no sooner than that, but I was laid off my job.  So, no job, no boyfriend...I had loved Connecticut, and that's where I returned.  But this time, to a new town.  So...same song and dance, just a variation on my peripatetic theme.  I found a job I loved (Lord & Taylor), and settled in nicely to my new life.  But then...

My then-boyfriend/now husband proposed ( from Egypt), and...cut to the chase: we were married.  And I moved again.  To Cairo.

Now I was taking a roller coaster variation on the peripatetic theme!

Why am I reminiscing about all this?

Daughter #1 is moving to Atlanta this month for an internship.  She is about to enter a wonderful and trying experience, and I tell her, she will be very much the better for it.  Yippee!  I am excited for her!!

1 comment:

xpda said...

Does Gill know that Irakli is from a different Georgia?

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