Wednesday, June 01, 2016

June! June 1st!

"June's poppin' out all over..."

I love that song.  You shall have to YouTube it.            

I love it because my sweet older sister taught it to her class each year - either K, 1st grade, or 3rd grade, even a 5th grade, I think.  They all learned that song, and a multitude of others.

I sing a lot.  I sing in the house, and I REALLY sing outdoors.  I belt it out, especially going down the road a piece.  I assume no one can hear me.  Sometimes it's show tunes, or musical pieces.  Sometimes, it's Latin prayer things. "Te...ergo que...sumus...."  "I'm just a girl who cain't say no..."  "Zippadeedoodah, Zippadeeay..."

But: back to June.  It is indeed popping out all over.  Normally in rural Kansas, June means triple-digit hot and all our garden hopes hinge on watering schedules or cactus landscapes.  This spring has been fairly mild, but for the tornadoes, and even they have been...not awful so far???

Exciting, fun, sweet news:  Last Wednesday eve, I had already headed in to the bedroom and was nearly planting my head on the pillow, when the phone rang.

Oosh.  A phonecall at 10:30 pm means bad news.

BAD news.

And yet, I could hear that Spouse o' Mine, not in words, but his tone was uplifting.  And then, as he approached our bedroom, I heard him say, "Here!  Talk to Mom!"  And he thrust the phone into my sleepy hand.  But...sleepy, no longer:

"Hi, Mom!  I'm engaged!"


So sweet.

So, so sweet a conversation.  It brought tears to my eyes then, and does now, as well.

My baby.  She has no idea how this affects me.

My baby.

Here she is, calling that Spouse o' Mine and me, late that night:

 I love this photo.  It shows her happiness, talking to us, her parents.  It is not one of those posed engagement photos.  Clearly the photographer, her fiance, experienced and embraced her engagement joy.

As do we.

June's poppin out all over...

1 comment:

Melissa G said...

Congratulations on the happy news! And what a LOVELY photo - that is one to treasure. Best wishes to the happy couple!

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