Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Good End to the Day

This afternoon I was on my drive back home from cello when, suddenly, there was a low-flying movement coming across the road.



(I braked, of course.)

I immediately pulled over (after checking my rear view, of course.)

And I watched him glide across the road in front of my car, and into the field just next to my car. At first I thought he was injured, because he was so close to me. He was so close. So big, and SO PRETTY.

And he just sat there, looking at me.

I sat there, looking at him.

A car drove past, and stopped, thinking I needed assistance. When he spied what I was watching, he drove on. (WHY, I ask??)

Then the eagle slowly took off, and re-crossed the road some yards further. I followed, slowly, in my car. He landed low in a tree. I stopped alongside again, and sat, watching him. He was aware of me - my car. A few short minutes later, he took off again, slowly and relaxed, across the road again.

The last I saw of him was at dark dusk, and I could barely make out his amazing white head and tail. I should mention that this bald eagle was large. LARGE.

And very pretty.
And he just made my already happy day...even better.

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