Friday, January 04, 2013

The Eleventh Day of Christmas

Today held some more XC skiing out yonder (yonder being the pasture and beyond).  It was warm out (34º) and the snow was icing up, so I know that this is our last day of Nordic Frolic for an unknown period.  Well: till the next good snowfall.  College Boy Graham went out with his skis and the pups this morning, and that is always a fun thing to watch: A boy and his dogs.

Tonight sees some Green Chile Chicken in the oven for that Spouse o' Mine and me.  College Boy Graham is off to friends' house/apts for a final hurrah and RISK-playing before he boards his plane tomorrow to head back to Washington State.  Boo-hoo.  I am maudlin, as always, the day before his departure.  Tomorrow he will go with his father to Kansas City and visit his sister/our daughter, Gillian, at her job at the Nelson-Atkins Museum.  Although I was initially in the plan of the day, I am staying here to serve a funeral brunch at our church tomorrow morning.  This probably works out for the best anyway; I am better at picking up my kids from the airport than letting them off, curbside.  Something about boo-hoos out in public when my kids leave me and our home...ah, you get the idea.      

I made a pound cake today!  The ducks have been laying ever so many eggs here in mid-winter: anywhere from 6-11 each day.  We eat a lot of eggs, and we give a lot away.  That Spouse o' Mine has Chinese students who deem duck egg as a delicacy, so when Dr. Armstrong walks in hauling 3 dozen giant eggs...well, that's an Asian celebration, I suppose.  We also give our eggs to our food pantry at church.  They seem skeptical about duck eggs, and are not nearly as thrilled as the Asian students about receiving them.

Last night the snow was bright, as was the moon, as were my non-drowsy eyes.  I think I was awake from 2:30 am-WHO-KNOWS-WHEN.  I purposely did not take a nap today, (I usually take a 20-minute catnap after lunch), but rather hit the XC trails on my skis. I hope this, the Eleventh Day of Christmas, sees me sleeping well.

Tomorrow I shall buoy myself up to celebrate our last day of Christmas!  What - a somber morning of funeral (someone I don't even know) and bon voyage to the College Boy, back to school, the afternoon I shall make a positive list of ...something positive.

Stay tuned...


Louise Plummer said...

I can't believe my own naivete. I have been singing "The Twelve Days of Christmas" since childhood and never knew what they actually were. If I'd had to guess, I would have said the twelve days leading up to Christmas.

Because of your blog, I went to Wikipedia tonight and received a whole education on traditional Christian celebrations of Christmas. Duh.

I'm going to surprise Tom with a Twelfth Night gift. Thanks for all of that!

twebsterarmstrong said...

Well, I don't think celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas is necessarily traditional, but we've always had fun with it in our family!

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