Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Acoustics and Anika

Here's a cute little wee one:

This is Granddaughter Anika. 
She is a petite ball of spice. 
Loved by all.

Her development has her making fun and funny expressions, and fun and funny sounds.  She is exploring her ability to make sounds, and she is observing all those who make expressions and sounds around her. 

Fast-forward to her mother and I taking Anika into an art museum this weekend in the hopes of lulling her to nap in her stroller a couple of hours before their flight home.  Daughter Gillian had Anika in her stroller, in a prone position, with a sheet over the stroller so as to keep visual distractions to a minimum. 


Once wee Anika discovered the marvellous acoustics of the museum's cavernous walls surrounding her, she began belting out her own little concert of echos, underneath the cover of her stroller sheet. 
First, vowel sounds:
AHHHhhhhhh!  (echo: ahhh!)  (another echo: ahhhhhhh!) 
AHHHHHHHhhhh!   (echo: ahhhhh!)   (yet another echo:  ahhhhhhh!)

And then, throwing in a consonant here and there:
WAHHHhhhhh!  WAHHHHhhhh!  (echo:  wahhh!  wahhh!) 
DADADADADAHHHHH!!!   (echo: dadadadada!!) 
MAHMAHMAHHHHH  (echo: mamamahhhhh!)
BAHBAHBAHHHHhh!  (echo: bababa!!!)  

And so went her acoustics festival concert for all the museum patrons to hear, whether they appreciated her fine talent or not.  

She never slept, and after half an hour of her fine voice regaling the museum patrons, we headed this babe to the car.  

I am not sure we were even out of the underground parking before she had fallen asleep.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

Sunday is the Golden Clasp (written in March)

"Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.", said Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

These words ring true just now, this late afternoon of a rainy day, whose later hours are showing golden hues just before dusk.

The golden clasp?  

We two have accomplishments for the past week and the coming.  YESsssss!  We have both been Covid-vaccinated once.  That Spouse o' Mine will get his next jab at the end of this month.  Mine will be in early April.  Thank God for science and medicine, both a gift from above.   

I have spied both red-winged blackbirds and robins in our midst.  Spring is a'comin'.  The iris are jumping up in leaps and bounds, and I had so hoped to corral them before now. 

We two had a family Zoom with the six kids and two infant granddaughters late this afternoon.  We have a "show and tell" at these family meetings.  We saw daughter-in-law Austen's amazing PNW pottery.  Baby Lucy Grace in all her personality.  (Mother Claire says she was unhappy.  I, Pansy, think Lucy Grace is just spreading her 3-month emotional wings.)  Son Graham showed us his new airbrush paint gun for his new projects.  Son-in-law Kiran got us up-to-date on his last surgical rotations for this academic year.  Huzzah!  Baby Anika is sprouting her first two teeth.  I showed off some awesome yogurt (lebneh), and a quilt I have been working on.  And that That Spouse o' Mine got a great (in my opinion) award for work done in his scientific field.  Son-in-law Rich showed up in post-cycling workout mode, and showered and segued to Dad mode for Lucy Grace.  So much in such a short 40-minute Zoom!!!  I love each and every second.

And this coming week, prequel-led by the Golden Clasp?  This week, Sunday and Family were the clasps to bind the volume of our week.  Huzzah!

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