What electrical engineer came up with the stupid "ground" that only allows me to plug into an outlet one way?!
At 5'2", I can barely reach the plastic bags hung in the produce aisle of Wal Mart (which I boycott from T'giving to New years, by the way). How do handicapped people reach those STUPID bags, anyway?!
Down the road from us the KDot people (Dept. of Transportation) are making our road "federal-guideline" worthy. They have drilled and placed new electrical poles and lines SMACK in the middle of our neighbors' yards. I want to know: Who got a federal kickback on this idiocy?! I am sad for our neighbors.
Sneezing people in public. I sneeze a lot. I am sensitive to candles, pollen, animals, dust, dirt, wind, invisible allergens, and pterodactyls. When I feel a sneeze coming on, I pull out my tissue or my kerchief. None of this FREE-FALLING sneezing, or in-my-palm sneezing, or even "in my sleeve" sneezing.
Hacking, too. If you are hacking, stay home. Puh-lease.
I was pricing wedding cakes today. $8.00/guest? Really, cake people? I am in the wrong career.
Free range: Only outside of the US is the term Free Range defined as: are allowed to roam freely instead of being contained in any manner. Our ducks are not, in my opinion, free-range, in that I become rankled when they roam outside their 5-acre realm, and into the "coyote zone", down by our creek. (And this is where five of them were this afternoon. Bah! Humbug, ducks.)
The meteorologists forecast cold and snow for this afternoon. WHERE the heck is my snow?!
OK, OK, this entry is full of negativity; I suppose that it presupposes an entry tomorrow FULL of positive whatnot.
But, of course.
1 comment:
Wow- when we got married, it was 75¢ per serving for the cake. Talk about inflation! As for the telephone poles...I thought they did that for the bridge repairs that will be happening later this year. What's the big deal about poles being alongside a bridge, otherwise?
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