Wednesday, January 10, 2024

A New Chapter

The hottest summers, the coldest winters.  The most amazing, clearest star-gazing anyone will ever experience.  The warmest cycling community.  Twenty years with our church family at First Lutheran.  So many books read with Wabaunsee Book Club!  Coffee at The Shamrock Cafe.  Experiencing real Americana at the Kniebel/Downey Ranches' annual bull sales.  Meetings with the Wabaunsee Township Fire Department volunteers - we could not survive without them.  Halloween Doughnuts with our rural community, back then, at June and George Crenshaw's Shamrock Farms.  The Little Free Library at the southwest corner of the Armstrong pasture.  My painting and Paul's hanging our 8'x8' barn quilt on our ca. 1887 mortis & tenon barn.  Our horses, our ducks, the peacocks, and chickens.  Grasshoppers: whoa!  (Biblical proportions, some years.)  

Our annual Resolution Ride and Brunch!  Crewing for our kids in the DK200.  Twenty+ years of Saturday Pancake Rides. 

So many vibrant Kansas sunrises, and so many Kansas watercolor sunsets.  

We came to Kansas in the tail-end of one of our life chapters: raising our kids. After a few brief years in Wabaunsee, those three were well on their own ways, to college and beyond.  The empty nest took some adjusting to, but just like sand in an hourglass, life re-filled the space left behind, and we two embraced our new chapter.  Work, travel, fun trips, wonderful home life.  All good.    

And now, here we are, twenty years later: leaning forward, gazing toward another exciting dance in this thing we call life.  
Some days are filled with methodical plans and actions.  Other days, it feels like we're plummeting down the Log Ride at some amusement park, arms raised overhead and shrieking as we meet the steeper drops.   

Did our parents tell us about this?  I don't recall.  I don't think so.  Mine didn't.  They had no need to: they lived the entirety of their lives from kid #5 till death did them part, in the same town and home where they arrived, some 58 years earlier.  Paul's parents took on more of the Log Ride approach to life: selling their farm in South Dakota, loading things on a ship, and sailing for weeks to Australia, where they spent the rest of their lives. 

And we two?  We are headed right into our next chapter.  Smiling, mostly.  And, some Log Riding...

We two are bound for the shores of Lake Erie, in Cleveland, Ohio.  We've not experienced city living for decades, and are eager to dip our toes into all that urban Cleveland has to offer.  Too, we see some Lake Erie islands to explore, certainly some trails to be cycling about.  There's some mention of some giant waterfalls...Niagara? a few hours away.  We can see the lights of Canada across the night-time Lake Erie. 

Let's call this Paul & Tricia's Next Big Adventure.  (We've enjoyed many.)  We welcome all our family and friends to join us to explore our new haunts.  We hear there's music to be heard, some museums, and - whoa! Circumnavigating Lake Erie by bike!  Surely that's on our To-Do list?

Mere words cannot ever describe the emotions we two have, leaving the velvety comfort of our Kansas community and friends.  It would take a scroll fifty football fields long to name each friend, acquaintance, and humanitarian that has been in our lives and those who have blessed us simply by being part of our community.  And that is a sign of a really good life.  

Please raise your glass and cheer us on to our next destination in all that is life and adventure.

(And come visit; we have a room with your name on it.)


CHD said...

I am so excited for your next chapter! Kansas will surely miss you, but Ohio will be the better for winning the T&P Lottery!

Christy Crenshaw said...

I saw your blog pop up when I was in Palm Springs for a curated slice of the International Film Festival. I'm happy to have just read the blog. A delight to read and savor. Thanks for taking the time. And... thanks for the "lightly used" candles that weren't going to Cleveland. One is burning now, two have burned their way to the ether and two or three more are awaiting their turn. All the best, Christy Crenshaw, Shamrock Farms

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