Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November Grey. And White-Headed. White-Tailed, as Well.

Here it is, mid-November.  Grey, with leaves raining down.  I love this season.  The deer are wreaking havoc on our roads.  With rutting season and all, the bucks are fearless in their chase of that perfect doe.  That, and fearful of that bow and rifle.  

All the plants I've hopes to over-winter are now indoors somewhere.  I love that so many rooms in the house are now filled with blooming geraniums.  Lucky me, that they all managed a final big ol' bloom in November.

Yesterday I was driving down the road and a really, REALLY large bird was flying towards my car.  It eclipsed the low afternoon sun, and so I couldn't discern what it was.  It seemed like it could have been a buzzard, but I thought to myself that they have already migrated south for the winter.  (i.e., our roadkill is just...roadkill till April.  No buzzards around to glean dead varmints off our roads this winter.)  Suddenly this seemingly giant bird swooped upwards, and landed on an electrical pole. 




I don't see bald eagles that often, even though we live just a stone's throw from the Kansas River.  So, WOWEE!  I was excited to see one so up-close and wonderful.  

My impulse was to call Dad, and share this experience with him.  He would have thrilled at my report!

But, Dad passed four years ago, and my impulse was just that: 

An impulse, retrieving a wonderful emotion.  A synapse, of neurons communicating with each other.
Call it what we may, I had a moment of joy which I shared with my Dad. 

I can hear his voice, thrilling with my report. 

1 comment:

Tanya said...

How exciting! I have never seen a bald eagle... Mostly herons around here, and even those are pretty though not exciting.

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