Thursday, January 30, 2014

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl: Gillian.  She was awesome.  Awesome, not in the contemporary vernacular: "awesome".  Hearken back to the day when one truly envisioned something as "awesome".  Gillian was AWESOME!  So much so, her father and I spent countless hours looking at her beauty, her movements, everything about her glorious being. God had given us an awesome baby girl.

And the next year, I gave birth to a glorious baby girl: Claire.  She was so beautiful.  Her amazing azure eyes peeped over the church pews and made church-goers laugh.  She knew how to work the crowd.  She followed her sister's lead, and the two of them were crowd-stoppers.

And then...
Whoa!  What's this?!??
This is a photo a day before Baby Graham was born.  23 years ago.

Yes. I am short, and my babies were all huge. I gave birth to baby Graham Michael the day after this photo.

Talk about a handsome baby boy!  And good?!  (That means "easy", in mother vernacular.) This boy was so perfect.  Happy baby, easy-everything: feedings, sleeping, awake-times, "let's frolic-with-the-sisters".

 And now, our baby Graham is twenty-three.

Amazing.  He is soon to graduate college.  Computer Science.  He ran track in college.  He plays the guitar.  And violin.

He is smart. Kind. Empathetic. Wise.

My baby.


Melissa G said...

Happy Birthday, Graham!

mawlenduh said...

Those are fantastic photos!

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