Sunday, May 19, 2013

Notes on Musical Notes

I am in a twit this afternoon.  Music.  Musicians.  Musicians wannabes.  Rap stars.  Pop stars.


I was just watching blurb on some current pop star who "writes her own music".  Really, This "pop star" is 21 years old.  She sings a lot.  She goes out with guys and then the paparazzi sells all the photos to the press.  She "writes her own music".

Why should we look?  Or care?  Has she written a Missa Brevis?  I doubt it.  I doubt that this pop star-singer-whatever even knows what four-part harmony is.

I know, this is a negative entry, but REALLY.

And here I go, even more negative.  (So sorry.)  This morning at church we sang a Swahili song, and a Brazilian song.  Both in English.  So, we Lutherans are singing songs with a beat, and the beat does not coincide with the Lutheran song mode that is in our hearts.  And the beat(s) also do not REALLY work with the English translations of the Portuguese or the Swahili.  And finally, the songs are SO ding-dong repetitive, like my father reflects:

7-11 Songs: Seven words, repeated eleven times.

Yes - my Dad has got it so right!  Bring back our hymnals:  I read through the Justification hymns this morning during the sermon.  I have to say, they gave me great comfort in my reading.  I did wish that our hymns during the service did the same.  Swahili- and Brazilian-translated words and tunes just not do it for me.  I want some substance to my voice and song.  Something I can sing on my way home.

Not a 7-11.           


Louise Plummer said...

I love this crabby you and couldn't agree more.

Melissa G said...

Amen, sister!

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