Friday, June 22, 2012

What I Feel Like Doing

I feel like cranking the air conditioning down to 60º.   And then I would like to put on a pretty cashmere sweater.  With jeans.  And comfortable, woolly house slippers.

I would like to go into the kitchen and start up the fixins for a winter stew: beef, rutabagas, potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic.  Maybe some cabbage.  I would start some bread to rise, too.

I would close all the plantation shutters.  Make it dark, like a winter's eve. 

I would bake the risen bread and some chocolate chip cookies, too.

And I would pretend that the world outside our shutters was white, and beautifully quiet.


I am marinading some beef for the grill and cutting the cantaloupe and washing the first red tomato (at least 3 million to follow) from the vegetable garden.  3 eggs boiling, (thank you, ducks) for deviled eggs tonight, and we have collard greens and peppers as well.  

I suppose I should be grateful for our good summer harvest.

But, I really love a winter's feast.  Fully-clothed.


Amy said...

Oh darling imagine if you had a nice beach ball for a belly. Summer just began!

Melissa G said...

I'm with you, T! The garden is great, but I'm not a fan of HOT weather. At least you have an AC that allows you to pretend it's winter...

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