Now that our pasture is horseless, I thought it might be fun to plant some lavender out there. Not over the whole area, although wowee - wouldn't that be beautiful? I ran my idea by that Spouse o' Mine, who has a PhD in Biosystems Engineering. He liked the idea, but suggested I start with a test plot. Good idea! (I am not great in the manual labor area, so maybe he is merely trying to placate me till I come up with another outstanding idea.)
Now, it would be very expensive to buy ~ 100 lavender plants next spring. I went online and studied several sites that discussed lavender propagation. They made it sound pretty simple. I called one of our local greenhouses, and spoke to a lady there who is in charge of their lavender propagation. She was very kind to explain her procedures and experience. Hmmm...30% success rate? No wonder the plants cost so much.
I purchased some rooting powder (a rooting hormone), snipped a bunch of lavender stems off our existing plants, dipped them in rooting powder, and now, we wait.
In addition to the lavender, I have decided to try to propagate some roses and some salvia. It would be nice to have fourteen rose bushes instead of seven, and a perennially, salvia-lined front walk would be a dandy addition to the place. I have more lavender to work with at the moment. I am not sure if this group will take root, and I know I am supposed to keep the soil temperature at 70º. That's a difficult one: I don't even keep the house at 70º, much less some test twigs' soil!
In other gardening news, I planted 150 iris and daffodil bulbs out in my cutting garden last night. I am eager to see what it looks like next spring. That is in addition to the 40-odd iris bulbs I already have planted out there ( and the 7 rose bushes), and the 80 or so tulip bulbs I have planted out on the front walk.
In pastoralist news (new word in my vocabulary today, thank you, Gillian: must insert it here.), two of our young Indian Runners have begun laying eggs. In a few weeks, we should be collecting a baker's dozen each morning. I can perfect my soufflé!
1 comment:
Thank goodness! I thought we'd never get any eggs!
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