Sunday, September 04, 2011

Around the Place

Today is the first day in many that I ventured forth out of the air conditioning for any amount of time. How nice to have a day of 70s temps. I planted my fall garden: bok choy, basil, mesclun, and fennel. I am eager to have something growing in the garden.

The geraniums,
babied through the August heat with water
and afternoon coverings,
seem to be doing well. Grapes....
Pretty pink...
Gillian and Boo
Sunday dinner...
Off with her head!
This wind chime is my souvenir from my San Diego vacation. One has to be choosy about Kansas wind chimes. I once had a tinkly wind chime. Very soon after we moved to Kansas, it went into the dumpster. This new one, though, gongs. GONG. GONG. (You can see by the wind sail that it was once again a windy afternoon in Kansas.)

That Spouse o' Mine has been outdoors most of the day. College boy Graham went running this morning (16 miles) and was looking for our kites this afternoon. Grad student Gillian came home for the day. She went running this afternoon as well.

I think we all are thrilled just to be outdoors. And not sweating.

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