This painting (above) is one of my very very favorite paintings in the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City: January Full Moon, by George Copeland Ault. Daughter Gill & I did a museum crawl today, and I once again enjoyed viewing this painting. This blog cannot translate the wonderful image that this painting is! If any of you have experienced a snowy earth at full moon, then perhaps you can imagine the vision. That Mr. Ault captured it with oil on canvas is amazing - most people nowadays would resort to digital Photoshopping.
I love the cold, snowy nights when we can go out and the moon is so bright on the snow, we can see distinct shadows! Tonight, as That Spouse o' Mine and I headed back from Kansas City, we saw the waning moon in our back mirror: still quite big and bright on the horizon.
Next week will bring dark nights; this is ok - then I can go out in the night, sit and listen to the local owls, and learn more constellations other than the Dippers and Orion's Belt.
Telescope time!
And I was going to borrow the one at Breck! I forgot to take it!
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