Some people have no concept of utilizing wind and solar power for their laundry needs, but here in rural Kansas, I feel a wee bit of glee if I can eek out some sort of "payment" from the elements that I do abhor: wind, mainly. Sun, generally in the months of July, August, and September.
A few weeks ago there was a day, a Saturday, I believe, which was windy beyond the Kansas norm. Having had some houseguests, I had hung some guest towels out to dry on our line. Very most unfortunately, my beautiful white guest towels (WHY, you might ask, WHY white towels in rural Kansas?! I dunno. Mental escape, maybe?) completely blew off the line and, most unfortunately, into the dog yard, where Beau the Bloodhound, still in puppy world, opted to chew and teethe on them.
Now the beautiful white guest towels are housed in the bike barn, cut into eighths, (only the wife of a mechanic/farmer/handyman/cyclist/ all of the above can comprehend my cutting them into eighths: so that they may NEVER again come into the house. I will not launder rags.) And further in this movement, I asked that Spouse o' Mine to move my clothes line so that it is far and away from the dog yard. And he very willingly is doing so.
Last week upon my return from Colorado, I saw that there was laundry in the dryer: that Spouse o' Mine had washed some clothes! But the clothes were still wet. I turned the dryer on, and walked away. Hours later, I checked the clothes, and they were still damp. Or wet. I turned the dryer on, and walked away. Hours later, I checked the clothes, and they were still damp...
OK. Something was amiss.
Saturday, that Spouse o' Mine disassembled my dryer (and cleaned it from stem to stern), and re-assembeld it and announced that it needed either a new heating element or a new thermostat.
So until then...